Autolatry is embarking on a 44 date tour across the US, and this is where we will share every part of the experience with our friends and fans!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

8/7 - Adding another wolf to the pack in Los Angeles!

On Tuesday morning, three of us arose in Joe's sisters house dazed and confused. After a night of about 4 and a half hours of sleep, we were definitely feeling tired. We got up early to blog and eat some breakfast before his sister left for work at 9. We ended up only writing a little bit, and then defaulting to breakfast because we're hungry bastards. Joe's sister, Kim, was kind enough to stock up on some eggs, peppers, and bread for us. She also baked a dank-ass chocolate cake that we enjoyed after breakfast. 

The show we had booked in LA fell through, so this day became a fuck around day. We weren't on an extremely tight schedule, but we needed to get moving in order to get anywhere in LA traffic (which is horrible). So after a quick but delicious meal, and a scurry through the grocery store for supplies, we hit the road towards Los Angeles. Our plan in LA was to pick up our friend Selena, who will be working our merch booth for the remainder of the tour, and then visit Jeff Bova, the most awesome man on the face of the planet!
Sleepless blogging.......zzz.......zzz.......zzz

Dear fuck it was good. Thanks, Kim!

Don't turn your back on the wolfpack

When we arrived in LA, we swung right over to Selena's place to pick her up. It was a quick little break to stretch the legs. After a gasoline run, it was time to head on over as a sextet to North Hollywood, the land of Bova!

Dave: "errrrrr I eat da granoler berrrr"
Selena: "Why do I surround myself with degenerates?"
Our intention was to visit Jeff Bova, who so happens to me the uncle of Matt and Dave. He took us around his recording studio, situated in The Lot. For those who do not know, The Lot is a historic film shooting area where some of the most famous actors, directors, and musicians have worked through the years. People such as Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks, and of course the modern big names (Leo, Depp, etc.) have all shot films there. The general surrounding area, Formosa, was a popular place to hang out. Big names such as Humphrey Bogart, Sinatra, and of course AUTOLATRY have hung out there. Needless to say, this place is awesome. Jeff toured us around the film lot and then took us to his room, Bovaland Studios. (which is great). 

Then, he treated us to some AMAZING sandwiches in downtown Hollywood. We caught up with Jeff at Foodlab, a great little sandwich cafĂ©. He had lots of good  advice for us (being an experienced touring musician himself), and we had a great time with him on his turf. It's always a pleasure to spend time with him; it's just a shame we didn't have more time to hang out. Big thanks to Uncle Jeff for lunch at Foodlab, and the amazing tour around a famous film lot!

The bar has been set. This was legit as hell. 

Retarding at Bovaland. 

Pure happiness!

The HBO series (which I shamelessly love) "True Blood" was filming while we were at The Lot.

When we left LA, we went onto Interstate 5 toward Sacramento in order to get a start toward our next show's location, and then set up a campsite for the night. That section of I-5 is absolutely beautiful. Rolling hills and steep windy roads. Fucking superb drive.

Fuzzy Mountains of the central California Valley

Goddamn it's beautiful.

Although the territory was very scenic, there is absolutely NOTHING out there. Exits off of the interstate exist every 10 miles or so, and billboards advertise restaurants and shops that are anywhere from 100 to 200 miles away. It was getting onto 5:30 PM and we had already passed a few "camping next exit" signs, so we figured that we could get off anytime for a place to set up shop. Flash forward about an hour and the road became progressively more barren with nothing but unused farm land and the occasional abandoned RV. We finally found a place to stay for the night; an RV park/seasonal county fair. It was a weird and somewhat trashy place, but the port-o-johns were clean. It worked out well. 

Welcome to upside down land, bitches.

Next, we're off to Sacramento to play a sick black metal show! Stay tuned and check in tomorrow to read about our time in good ol' Sac town!

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