Today we journeyed out of Louisiana and into the Lone Star State, Texas to play our show in Houston. We got off to an extremely bright start in our little Motel 6 room ready to take on the day (though very damn hungry). A good night’s sleep seemed to cure Sean of his ailments and once again our bassist was back in commission (if not still a little weak in the stomach). As we approached the car, Karl made an executive and generous decision to treat the band to a Waffle House breakfast. Eggs, toast, biscuits, grits, hashbrowns, butter, coffffee, aksjdbakjsd, too good (I myself took the opportunity to down five or six containers of half and half while I had the chance too).
salvation is nigh |
Things only got better when we went to gas up at the Race Trac down the road. Fifty-nine cent Sodapalooza is currently happening and quite frankly this is just about the best thing that ever happened for several reasons. First is that it’s 32oz of cold drink for 59 cents. Even if it was urine it’d be a good deal. Second is the selection. Aside from all the sodas you could want, they had Arizona Ice Tea and Sobe on tap! These weren’t your average watered down fountain drinks either, they were extremely full bodied and delicious!
peed myself with excitement |
an inspiration to humanity |
After the Race Trac we sailed onward through Louisiana and into Texas (at one point traversing an insanity inducing 17 mile bridge!) The "welcome to Texas" rest stop couldn't have come a moment sooner as there was a dire need to expel some bowels (and what better place to expel your bowels than Texas?) The rest stop had a sweet boardwalk through a very foreign looking swamp. Didn't see any gators though :(
kk |
magical wonderland |
Soon enough we were in Houston and with plenty of time to spare. We loaded all of our gear in, shot some pool, and then headed over to "Merida" for some authentic Tex-Mex cuisine courtesy of the amazingly generous Peggy, old time friend of Matt and Dave's parents. The food was absolutely incredible and there was tons of it. Endless fresh chips and salsa and then gigantic, magnificent entrees. These last two days we've been eating like kings and it's too wonderful. Almost makes me sad to go back to canned beans...
shit it's hot in Texas |
no, he did not sink that shot |
Merida Special (panucho, empanada, enchilada, pickled onions, black beans, guacamole) |
we're too goddamn happy! |
Karl's plate |
"Vaginal Bear Trap"
After our bellies were fit to bust we headed back to The White Swan to play some black metal! Unfortunately as the time to play came around, nobody was there. Like really nobody, not even the other bands. But we're patient fellows and we were fine with sticking it out until the situation improved. After an hour and a half or so the two other bands showed up and it was time to get things going. The one man act Christgrinder kicked things off with some brutal death metal. After he finished his set we loaded on and played for the rowdy locals who really liked to move around! After us came Abyssus Daedalus who got the house rockin' with some classic black metal. In the end it was a pretty great day despite the confusion with the lineup when it came time to gig. Tomorrow we set sail for Austin!
lobster man at his finest |
crashing at Peggy's floor in the suburbs of Houston |
PS Thank you so much for treating us to dinner and opening your house to us Peggy!
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