Autolatry is embarking on a 44 date tour across the US, and this is where we will share every part of the experience with our friends and fans!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

7/20 - Asheville, NC - Gettin’ Down at The Get Down

We had really been looking forward to playing Asheville, North Carolina for quite some time, after hearing great things about the music scene and the city itself.  This awesome city in western Carolina did not disappoint! Rolling through town, it was hard not to notice the bustling streets, adorned with busy cafes, coffee shops, bars, and restaurants. There seems to be a buzz in this town, and it got us really excited to play that night!
Upon driving by the venue, we were shocked to see our name out front!  

In typical Autolatry form, hunger had set in and burritos were quickly organized.  Bean burritos with green peppers, salsa and Sriracha have become a staple of our tour diet. 

Still with a few hours to kill, we set out in search of a coffee shop that offered WIFI within walking distance. Just a couple hundred feet down the road we found Waking Life Espresso. Their coffee was legitimately some of the best brew any of us have ever experienced! Great vibes inside, nice music, air conditioning and a variety of amazing coffee made visiting Waking Life a memorable part of our Asheville venture!


Playing the show with us were Typhonic Age (, who call themselves Asheville First Wave Black Metal. This title is extremely accurate, and they execute the style with high proficiency. They provided a great start to the night for everyone, so listen to their shit and buy their things! A newer band called Understory ( closed out the night. The members of this band all came from prominent Asheville area bands, and Understory seemed like a nice conglomeration of each members’ style and background. They play an interesting blend of styles, but I’d rather not try to lump them into a specific genre! Their musicianship was highly impressive, and we were all taken aback by their slick guitar and bass work. 

We had a blast playing our set and feel honored to have played a show at The Get Down, a place we have heard a lot about so far! Huge thanks to Jason Cronk for organizing and promoting this show - hope you enjoy the shirt and CD’s too, brother! Thank you to Matt from Typhonic Age for putting us up for the night - you rule dude! Major thanks go out to both Understory and Typhonic Age for contributing to a great show - I hope we can rock out again next time we’re in town dudes!  
I’m writing this from Matt’s house in Asheville while we work on repairing the other leaf spring on our trailer. What with the shortest drive of the tour today (Asheville, NC to Greenville, SC) today is the perfect day for taking care of maintenance. Check back tomorrow for our write-up of our Greenville show at The Radio Room!

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