We partied hard Harrisonburg syle last night, but come 10am we were more than ready to rock out at the Blur Nile, which we heard so much about. But before all the fun of that night, the monumental task of replacing one of our trailer's rusted out leaf springs laid ahead. I'll spare ya'll the gory details, but it took about 8 hours of intensely frustrating and slow work with a hack saw and a couple wrenches. We took a few periodic food breaks, and Joe and Dave slept through most of the repair process (sorry guys...) but the job was finished in the nick of time! After a cold as hell shower, the five of us packed our shit up and headed downtown for the Blue Nile.
Of all the places Autolatry has played, the Blue Nile is one of the most vibey and interesting venues we have ever been! The upper level is a classy, fine dining Ethiopian restaurant and the downstairs is a great little club venue. The walls are painted with gorgeous murals and stone pillars adorn the floor, only adding to the great ambience! On top of this, we were blessed with a platter of amazing and authentic Ethiopian food on the house! Being the hungry bastards we are, we neglected to snap a photo of the food, but I can assure you it was incredibly badass.
Once again, we had the pleasure of sharing the stage with a couple terrific bands. Salvaticus, a new black metal band from Charlotte opened up the night, and blew us the fuck away. They play a great blend of Wolves-esque black metal with some deathened tinges. Although they lack a vocalist, the instrumentals are perfectly interesting themselves! Go listen to them here:
Hometown Harrisonburg thrashers Warlitner (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Warlitner/268384136530235)
closed out the night, and brought the slams with them. They put on a great performance and it was awesome getting to play with a band who is actually from Harrisonburg.
Autolatry's performance went absolutely perfectly. We got an amazing crowd response, our sound was handled dutifully, and we were made to feel right at home and very well loved. Let me take this space to thank all the people who contributed to our great experience in Harrisonburg. Huge thanks to Steele, our host for two days and the promoter/organizer of the gig. Thanks to Allen, Matt, Dave, Pat and all the other guys hanging out at the Crayola House while we were there! And thanks of course to Lacy, for bringing us sloppy joes after the show - that shit kicked ass!
We're on the way to Johnson City, TN right now, and looking forward to our show at The Hideaway. Check in tomorrow for another blog post - see you dudes on the road!!!
Jazz listenings and lunch eatings while rain watchings. |
The bolt that took four hours to saw through... |
...and bore through. |
Broken, rusted out leaf spring |
Joe being a sleepy man. |
Karl working his ass off. |
Holy shit, why am I holding a pickle and crying? |
Beans = badass |
Black bean salad for brunch. |
Dave being a sleeping degenerate |
Blue Nile! |
This place is hella cool. Hope to come back next time. |
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